What is Your Reputation?

“You can’t build a reputation
on what you are going to do.”

~ Henry Ford


And he was right, too… People have good ideas all the time, great ones, in fact, that never materialize into anything more than thoughts. An idea can be the most powerful thing in the world, but it becomes completely worthless if action is not taken.

A reputation can be your most useful asset, but they aren’t built on thoughts and dreams – they’re built through hard work and sacrifice. If you say you’re going to do something, that’s great, because you’re making a commitment, and setting a course of action! Telling people you’re going to go on a diet, for example, is all fine and dandy, but unless you actually follow through, unless you take action and DO what you say you’re going to do, they’re just words. And those words that you say have consequences… They are the bricks upon which your reputation is founded. Laying those bricks is what matters! If you stack up a ton of bricks by talking about how you plan to lose weight, but you never actually lay the bricks by taking action and making your words a reality, your reputation will resembe an unfinished building. On the other hand, however, if you take action, and make it happen, make your words a reality, you are building a reputation that is strong, stable and reliable! When the bricks are laid properly, according to a blueprint, (or a plan of action, in this metaphor), people will notice that, and see a strong, stable and reliable person, someone worthy of trust.

Henry Ford was right – you can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. You have to prove your merit to people by following through! It doesn’t matter what it is, from the smallest task to the largest undertaking, reputation knows no difference. From vacuuming your house, to running a business, doing what you say you’re going to do is PARAMOUNT to building a good reputation!

Get started today, right now, on something you’ve been putting off! If you’ve been meaning to write your aunt a letter, wash your car, write a business plan, whatever it is, GET. IT. DONE. You will be happier for having done so, and those around you will see that you aren’t all talk, that you take action, you follow through, and you are a person upon whom people can rely!


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