Success, Failure and Courage

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

– Winston Churchill



Failure.  For many people, it is a result, but for those courageous enough to try again, it is a lesson.

Success.  For many people, it is a destination, but for those wise enough to know better, it is a stepping stone.

Let’s analyze the root of the word “Success.”  There is more than one definition, but most often it is used to describe accomplishing a goal, becoming wealthy, or doing well at a given task.  The root of the word, however, is “to come after,” which is also the root of the word “succession,” which means repetition.  To be successful, you cannot be satisfied, you cannot become complacent, and you cannot stop.  You need to reach the goal you’ve set, and once you’ve succeeded at that, set your sights on the next goal, and the next goal, on and on, in a successive pattern.

Now, will you succeed at everything you attempt?  Probably not.  Not many people do, so always be prepared to fail.  The wise entrepreneur knows that failure is a possible outcome of an attempt at success.  But keep in mind, as Churchill said, “failure is not fatal!”  If one has the courage to try again, to get up and dust themselves off, then they have not failed at all, but have learned what not to do on the next attempt!

Courage is by far the most versatile and useful club in your bag.  First and foremost, you need the courage to even try in the first place.  If you fall, rely on that courage to stand back up again.  When you set out on a new venture, you need to be brave enough to take that first step, and even if that first step causes you to slip and fall, don’t give up!  Be courageous!  Stand back up and try again!  On the other hand, if you succeed, don’t stop, but have the courage to start again and strive to reach a new goal!

The point is, whether you succeed or fail, either way you should always rely on the courage that is inside of you to keep doing what you do.  Failure sucks, success is great, but when either of those things happen to you, that is your signal to stand back up and do it all over again!