Pursuing Dreams

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,
they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”

– Garcia Marquez

Pursuing Dreams


Millions of people have proven over and over that they’re never too old to follow a dream.  Take for instance the case of Henry Blodget, a journalist turned Wall Street executive who suffered a major setback in his career.  He fell from the top of the heap, lost his reputation, and could have easily admitted defeat.  Determination and perseverance, however, gave him the fortitude to pursue new avenues, a sort of plan B.  His story is fascinating, and an inspirational tale of how anybody can recover from a devastating blow if they are resolved to do so.  Click to watch the interview with Timothy Mullaney of USA Today, his open and honest story of his fall from grace, and how he got back up and dusted himself off is a real eye-opener.

Using the internet and blogging the news, he has created a brand new chapter in his life.  His story goes to show that having a dream, setting goals, and working to achieve them are limitless! Neither time, age nor education can stop the determined entrepreneur from building an empire.  Henry Blodget is no different from anyone else with a vision, except for the fact that he TOOK ACTION to make it happen!

Take action today!  Your dream will never become your reality until you TAKE ACTION, so get busy!

The Value of Experience

“Experience teaches only the teachable.”

– Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley

Experience is your single most valuable asset, something that is uniquely yours, something you accumulate from the day you’re born and can never lose.  Life constantly throws unexpected hurdles your way, often without warning.  When you encounter these hurdles, your reaction tells a great deal about your character and abilities.  When confronted with difficulty, how do you react?  Do you crumble under pressure, perhaps avoid the problem altogether, or do you face it head on?

The entrepreneur welcomes adversities at every turn, and do you know why?  Simple – because they are opportunities to learn, and to grow stronger.  Challenges that may seem like problems at first are nothing more than opportunities in disguise.  If you can recognize that fact, if you can keep an open mind and seek out the best in a bad situation, success will surely follow.

The simple fact is that you are in control of how you react to a given situation.  You can either bend and break under the weight of your problems, or you can resist the urge to give in, and become a stronger person for having faced down your difficulties.  You may not always win, the outcome may not always be optimal or in your favor, but the one thing you can say is that you tried.  Your best approach is always a positive attitude, because negativity begets negativity, but a positive outlook will exponentially grow and spread, giving you and those around you a hopeful feeling that no matter how bleak a situation may seem, a happy ending is only possible if you work toward one!

An open mind allows you to extrapolate useful experience that can be applied to future situations.  You must remain open minded, and recognize that life is constantly teaching you lessons.  Be open to learning these lessons, because every day is a test, and the more you know, the better you will perform.  Opportunities, otherwise known as problems, present themselves all the time, so learn from them, take the knowledge and experience you gain, and use it to your best advantage!