The Importance of Self Reliance

“Be willing to go alone!
Many who started with you won’t finish with you.”

Tony A. Gaskins, Jr.

Tony A. Gaskins, Jr.

Each human being is on their own unique journey through this world.  On our path, we meet countless others, many who influence our lives in ways we may not even understand.  Some of these people do more than simply cross our paths, however.  Sometimes, they join us on our walk, maybe for a short while, occasionally for a long time, and rarely outside of our family ties, a person will share our adventure for nearly a lifetime.

Although the company is welcome, and it’s always nice to have the support and encouragement of others, no matter how many people accompany us along the way, WE are the only ones responsible for our own future!  Our story is written by the characters who populate our lives, yes, but you must always keep in mind that YOU are the central player on your stage!  You must be ready, willing and able to go alone, and to take responsibility for yourself.  Nobody else can do for you the things that you need to do in order to be a successful person.  Whether you seek success in your business or personal life, the key is to know in your heart that you can make it on your own if you need to.  

Be open to those around you, allow them the opportunity to grow with you, support them as they support you, but remember that they walk their individual road just as do you.  Be self assured, make good decisions, choose which direction is best for you, and you will find that your self reliance and independence is the most effective means of accomplishing your every goal!

Pursuing Dreams

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,
they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”

– Garcia Marquez

Pursuing Dreams


Millions of people have proven over and over that they’re never too old to follow a dream.  Take for instance the case of Henry Blodget, a journalist turned Wall Street executive who suffered a major setback in his career.  He fell from the top of the heap, lost his reputation, and could have easily admitted defeat.  Determination and perseverance, however, gave him the fortitude to pursue new avenues, a sort of plan B.  His story is fascinating, and an inspirational tale of how anybody can recover from a devastating blow if they are resolved to do so.  Click to watch the interview with Timothy Mullaney of USA Today, his open and honest story of his fall from grace, and how he got back up and dusted himself off is a real eye-opener.

Using the internet and blogging the news, he has created a brand new chapter in his life.  His story goes to show that having a dream, setting goals, and working to achieve them are limitless! Neither time, age nor education can stop the determined entrepreneur from building an empire.  Henry Blodget is no different from anyone else with a vision, except for the fact that he TOOK ACTION to make it happen!

Take action today!  Your dream will never become your reality until you TAKE ACTION, so get busy!

Change Your World

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

― Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman

Anybody who has struck out on their own to start a business knows that it’s an uphill battle, but those who have the strength, patience and passion know that it’s worth the effort.  And the thing is, whether you’ve invented a device that will save a million lives or you’re just opening a corner market, you are making a difference and changing not only the world, but you’re changing your world.

It takes courage to abandon the safety of working for someone else, and the security of knowing that all you have to do is your job.  But day in and day out, those of us with an entrepreneurial spirit dream of the independence of self employment and the freedom that it offers.  Of course, it’s a lot of hard work, and you really have to be dedicated and passionate about your dream, but reaping the rewards of your efforts gives you unparalleled satisfaction that you simply cannot find in the employ of someone else.  Remember, if you have a job, you’re making someone ELSE’S dream come true, but if you have a business, that’s YOURS!  That is YOUR dream coming true, and there is truly no better feeling than knowing that you don’t need anyone else, that you don’t have to be a mere employee, and that YOU ALONE are responsible for your income, your future, your success, and your happiness.

Make it happen!  Turn your dream into a reality!  Fuel that dream with your passion, venture out on your own, and change your world!


Change is Opportunity

“The entrepreneur always searches for change,

responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”

– Peter F. Drucker

City with quote

Change is often difficult, especially in today’s fast-paced world.  The economy is in constant flux, customers are fickle, and a strategy that is successful today may be a failure tomorrow.  The savvy entrepreneur knows this to be true, and chooses to embrace change rather than resist it.  The key is to understand how to make change work FOR your business, rather than against it.

Customers are always on the lookout for the next new thing.  They research before they buy and have begun to examine every aspect of their purchases, from something as seemingly insignificant as breakfast cereal to the family vehicle.  The internet has become the penultimate consumer advocate, informing people which products are top-notch, and which are bottom of the barrel.  Smartphone apps allow people to scan the bar code of any item right there in the aisle, and return a plethora of information on the spot, and making the decision whether or not to buy whichever item they happen to be perusing.

This has created an atmosphere of unprecedented competition to not only sell quality products and services, but to stay on top of how your goods are perceived online.  There are a number of ways to maintain control over the information about what you have on offer, but the first step is to hire a professional who knows the ins and outs of online marketing.  Successful entrepreneurs realize that they don’t have time to research every little detail of their online presence, and so they hire a professional to manage this for them.  National Business Services & Development, Inc. is that professional.  Your business needs to stay ahead of the curve, and the number one way to do that is by hiring us today.  Call for a free consultation at 775-465-8500 to find out exactly how your company can take advantage of the ever shifting changes in today’s business world!