Having Courage

“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

National Business Services and Development
Starting a business is a lot like setting sail across an unknown ocean – there are dangers everywhere, uncertainty surely lies in your path, and you have no idea where you will end up. Every explorer has to show courage to undertake such a venture, and sets out with the right tools to help them to navigate their voyage to success. As a small business owner, what tools are you using? What tools might you need that you don’t have?

When you need help navigating the uncharted, let National Business Services & Development be your tool kit. We have many years of experience in assisting new businesses with their credit rating, funding, loans and more. Countless entrepreneurs have turned to us for help, and have been very glad they did so. Our experts have the knowledge, experience and most importantly, the best tools a small business owner needs to safely sail their ship to success! Call us today, 775-465-8500!

Pursuing Dreams

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,
they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”

– Garcia Marquez

Pursuing Dreams


Millions of people have proven over and over that they’re never too old to follow a dream.  Take for instance the case of Henry Blodget, a journalist turned Wall Street executive who suffered a major setback in his career.  He fell from the top of the heap, lost his reputation, and could have easily admitted defeat.  Determination and perseverance, however, gave him the fortitude to pursue new avenues, a sort of plan B.  His story is fascinating, and an inspirational tale of how anybody can recover from a devastating blow if they are resolved to do so.  Click to watch the interview with Timothy Mullaney of USA Today, his open and honest story of his fall from grace, and how he got back up and dusted himself off is a real eye-opener.

Using the internet and blogging the news, he has created a brand new chapter in his life.  His story goes to show that having a dream, setting goals, and working to achieve them are limitless! Neither time, age nor education can stop the determined entrepreneur from building an empire.  Henry Blodget is no different from anyone else with a vision, except for the fact that he TOOK ACTION to make it happen!

Take action today!  Your dream will never become your reality until you TAKE ACTION, so get busy!

Set Many Goals to Achieve Wealth

“If your only goal is to become rich,
you will never achieve it.”

-John D Rockefeller


Goals make all the difference between success and failure; they are the engines that run our lives.  Without a purpose, without a goal to achieve, there is no reason to get up and go to work every day.  Some people have simple goals – work for someone else, collect a meager paycheck that will barely cover the rent, and have enough cash left over to buy groceries.  These are the tiny goals of the vast majority of the world – but – there is a very small subset of people who dream of more.  

We entrepreneurs want more out of life than making ends meet.  We feel a compulsive drive that pushes us to be bigger and better than we were the day before.  Our goals are above and beyond those of the average person, however, we must be realistic in our aspirations.

If you dream of being rich, GREAT!  YES!  By all means, let that be one of your goals!  There is a but here, though, and it’s a big but…

BUT…  We need to comprehend that there is more to life than getting rich.  We need to have other objectives to focus on, things that will make our lives full and rich in other ways than success in business.  For what is success, if you’re miserable?  If you live in a city that doesn’t offer the kind of life you desire, for instance a beach, a nightlife scene, or a peaceful rural setting, then you owe it to yourself to set the goal of moving someplace that DOES offer what you want.  If you wish to see the world, then find a home near an international airport, grab your passport, and go!  Explore this planet if that’s what you desire!  Make time for your happiness, don’t wait for happiness to make time for you!

John Rockefeller said “If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it,” and it is easy to understand that being rich is not simply about having a lot of money.  There are many kinds of wealth, but being truly rich comes from being happy and living a full and pleasant life, and the way to make that happen each and every day is to have a list of goals, both short and long term.  Daily goals can be as simple as taking care of the dry cleaning or mowing the lawn, and long term goals as complex as retiring to Belize before reaching a certain age.  Others are goals ABOUT goals, such as sitting down and planning your next vacation, or taking time to schedule next semester’s classes…  Whatever it is that you desire, whatever achievements you hope to make a reality, whatever personal mountain you want to conquer, IT IS POSSIBLE!  All you need to do is set your sights on numerous finish lines, and focus focus focus on having the discipline to cross them one at a time, and before you know it, you will be both financially AND spiritually rich beyond your wildest dreams!

Change Your World

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

― Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman

Anybody who has struck out on their own to start a business knows that it’s an uphill battle, but those who have the strength, patience and passion know that it’s worth the effort.  And the thing is, whether you’ve invented a device that will save a million lives or you’re just opening a corner market, you are making a difference and changing not only the world, but you’re changing your world.

It takes courage to abandon the safety of working for someone else, and the security of knowing that all you have to do is your job.  But day in and day out, those of us with an entrepreneurial spirit dream of the independence of self employment and the freedom that it offers.  Of course, it’s a lot of hard work, and you really have to be dedicated and passionate about your dream, but reaping the rewards of your efforts gives you unparalleled satisfaction that you simply cannot find in the employ of someone else.  Remember, if you have a job, you’re making someone ELSE’S dream come true, but if you have a business, that’s YOURS!  That is YOUR dream coming true, and there is truly no better feeling than knowing that you don’t need anyone else, that you don’t have to be a mere employee, and that YOU ALONE are responsible for your income, your future, your success, and your happiness.

Make it happen!  Turn your dream into a reality!  Fuel that dream with your passion, venture out on your own, and change your world!


The Benefits of Experience

“Experience is a very cruel teacher.

It gives you the test first, then it gives you the lesson.”

                                                           – Unknown



If you own a business, chances are good that a warning like this would have been helpful.

Starting a new company comes with problems that need to be managed and solved, whether it be a lemonade stand or a multinational conglomerate.  Many people have lost everything in the pursuit of being their own boss for one simple reason: lack of experience.  There are a thousand ways that a budding business can fail, and not all of them are obvious or foreseeable.

When you are setting out to climb a mountain for the first time, do you go by yourself?  Not a chance.  If you’ve never skydived, your first jump is always tandem with an experienced jumper.  First time behind a wheel?  Driving instructor.  Why on earth would it be any different when you start a new company?  The simple answer is, it’s not.

Here at National Business Services and Development, you are in the best possible hands.  We are experts in the field of starting a new business and growing existing ones.  Our team of professionals know how to avoid the pitfalls associated with small businesses, and have led countless entrepreneurs to success.  We look forward to guiding you along the path to independence through your own entrepreneurial endeavors!  Call us today!  (775) 465-8500

Patience Pays

“Impatience can cause wise people to do foolish things. ”

― Janette Oke


Patience. It’s a basic fact of life, taught to us from the day we are born. We all know them, the famous sayings that we’ve heard all our lives – good things come to those who wait, slow and steady wins the race, Rome wasn’t built in a day, patience is a virtue… Often it will happen, though, that we lose patience and act in haste. This is a common mistake in the business world, and has led to the downfall of countless companies. The mighty oak was once an acorn, but the acorn cannot grow without time and nurturing. As this is true for the tree, so is it true for the business.

Here at National Business Services & Development, when we join forces with a new client, the understanding is made clear that we are partnering for the long haul. Our services are provided by experts who have the patience to persevere long term for the betterment of the client. The most important part of our relationship with our customers is, not surprisingly, patience. It takes time to build good credit, to file paperwork, to build websites, and to grow the roots that a business will need to stand tall and strong. When a business is built on a solid and steady foundation, it will flourish and last. When the process is rushed through, and the business is established in haste, the chances it will succeed are greatly diminished.

Another tremendously important factor to success is investing in the future of the business. Reticence to put time into building a business is just as dangerous as hesitance to invest money in it. The reason people even start a business is to get a return on their investment, but the key word here is “investment.” You get what you pay for, they say, and when you hire us, you get the best expert guidance available. Our track record speaks for itself, over ten years in business without one complaint to the Better Business Bureau is quite an achievement, and one that we are exceedingly proud of.

If your business needs to grow, it is important to realize that these things don’t happen overnight. National Business Services & Development knows this, and has had many years of experience helping business owners recognize this fact. The wise entrepreneur will understand that putting the time and capital into their business is the ONLY path to success!

How to Build Business Credit

“The surest way to establish your credit is to work yourself into the position of not needing any.”

-Maurice Switzer


Credit.  We all know it’s a necessary tool both in business and our personal lives.  It has the power to launch a small business, as well as the power to slowly bleed that business if not properly managed and maintained.  There are a great many things that are required to build your business credit, but most entrepreneurs who have a great idea or a passion for what they are selling don’t fully understand or are not aware of all of these nuances.

When you’re establishing your credit as a sole proprietor, your personal credit is tied directly to your business, and most people don’t know this very important fact!  Here at National Business Services & Development, Inc., our dedicated credit professionals are experts who know how to navigate the dangerous and murky waters of building a small business.  Their years of wisdom are at your disposal when you become a client, and all you need to do to learn more is call for a free consultation.

If you are interested in creating a lasting, solid, successful business, don’t reinvent the wheel!  We’ve got the tools and the know-how to set you on a path to prosperity!  Call or email us today to learn how we will help you!  775-465-8500

Monday Morning Motivation

“An object that is at rest will tend to remain at rest.

An object that is in motion will tend to remain in motion.”

                                                                          – Sir Isaac Newton


It’s easy to use Monday as an excuse for being less productive, but the motivated individual chooses to seize the day, EVERY day!  They know that being energetic, no matter what day of the week it is, will produce results.

Once you get that ball rolling, and you’re powering ahead at full speed, it’s like nothing can stop you!  Success happens when you MAKE it happen, and not a minute sooner!  If you’re unsure where exactly to start, then start by creating a “To Do” list.  Once you have it written down, and you work on each task one by one, you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish!

Do it!  Do it now!  Get in motion!


“Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress…

                    …is progress.”

                                    – Unknown


Persistence is the most important element of building a successful business.  It can be so easy to give up when obstacles present themselves, but the motivated individual will accept the fact that nothing worth having comes easy.  When something arises that slows your progress, keep in mind that the decision to stop or move forward is yours.  Each person has faced adversity at one time or another, and their success or failure is the direct result of their actions, of their decision to give up or push harder to reach their goal.

You can make your dream of owning and operating your own business a reality, so long as you keep in mind that no matter how slow your progress may seem, you are making progress.  Here at National Business Services & Development, our programs are designed to create a pathway for your progress.  If you are willing to work hard to realize the American Dream, with us as your experienced and professional partner, there is no limit to how far you can go!

The Purpose of a Boat

“A boat is safe in the harbor.

But this is not the purpose of a boat.”

                                                 – Paulo Coehlo

Everything in life comes with risk, but every day we take our chances that things are going to turn out in our favor.  Of course, when we set out on any endeavor, whether that be crossing a street, sailing the sea, or starting a new business, we do all we can to mitigate the dangers.  Everyone knows that you don’t cross the street unless you look both ways, and you don’t launch a ship without a compass.  The same principle applies to starting a business – you don’t begin an undertaking like that without taking the appropriate steps to increase your chances of success.

National Business Services & Development, Inc. has been there for many an entrepreneur, guiding them safely through those uncertain early stages of launching a business. Just as you wouldn’t cross the road without looking out for danger, just as you wouldn’t sail on a ship that has no captain, neither would you start a business without seeking an expert.  NBSD, Inc. exists to guide you safely through the rough waters that are the beginning stages of small business ownership.

Call us today, you can find all of our information at National Business Services & Development, Inc., or just dial direct at 775-465-8500.

We look forward to helping your dreams come true!

The Purpose of a Boat